Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy Two Weeks

Today was a big day in Dylan's life. We went to the pediatrician for her official two week check up. Without a diaper, she is 6 lbs, 8 oz or so and with a diaper she is 6 lbs 12 oz. She is in the 10-25 percentile for weight. Her height is 19 1/2 being in the 10-25 percentile. Her head is 13 7/8 and in the 25th percentile. She got her Hep B shot today as well. Since she was going to get a shot, I brought a bottle for her. That seem to calm her down. She is looking good.

We went to the pre-natal water playgroup today as well. That was nice to be around other mommy's and babies. They were helpful and it was nice to talk to other women. I am going to try to go when I can. Also, I am going to jump in on Jess's playgroup as well just to see different women and get a different perspective on parenting.

Dylan's newborn photo shoot is up. If you would like the link and information for it, please e-mail me or text. I will provide it for you. Anyway, time to get ready for bed.

Also, her cord stump fell off last night. Plus we can start putting her on her tummy during the day for a couple of minutes.

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