Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Very Last Day I can say...

Today is the very last day I can say that I had you in my tummy longer then you have been out of my tummy. Yep, as of tomorrow, the pregnancy will just be a fleeting memory of that time where I had 9 months to think about all the great things we were going to do together. It's funny how those little 9 months are just a fleeting moment in time. She will always clock more time out of the womb then inside and that is the goal. To have a child to watch them grow and develop and get colds. Oh yes, her cold is getting better. As a first time mom, you spent all your time thinking about the pregnancy. Is the baby getting enough from me? Is she going to have my eyes and your check bones? Is she going to be super smart like her auntie? What are we going to tell her about her auntie? What is life going to be like with a baby? All these questions run through a new parent's head at all hours at all times. Don't forget there are the times where I can't wait to get this baby out of me and others like OMG she will be coming out.

Enjoy some of the pictures of 8 months, 4 weeks, 1 day...

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